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Breathe Easier with our Halo Salt Therapy Sessions

Himalayan Salt is finely ground into micronized particles and dispersed into the salt cabin. Using lower temps than a traditional sauna, the salt cabin temperature range is 115-125 degrees. This temperature is ideal for opening up the pores and lungs to achieve maximum health benefits, without sweating.

Inflammation is reduced due to the anti-bacterial properties of inhaled aerosol salt particles. Dry salt on your skin acts as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. Similar to a sponge or toothbrush, dry sale aerosol helps cleanse the respiratory system.

Introducing Halo Salt Therapy, Available in Weston! Helps with:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Coughs, Colds & Flu
  • Bronchitis
  • Sinus Infections
  • Ear infections
  • Psoriasis, Eczema & Acne
  • Meditation & Stress

These 30 Minute Sessions can be shared!

*Free Halo Sessions are added to account. If buying for someone else, please make a note on our "View Cart" page, or contact us for correct account.  Free Sessions expire 4/30/25.